4/18/24-Apply to our VEP Grant

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New Announcement: Sustainability, Apply to our VEP Grant, & More!

Hi {{user.name}}

Today's Grant Winning Tip

When applying to grant applications be sure to demonstrate long-term viability and commitment to achieving lasting impact. This is important because grant funders love supporting projects that have a solid plan for success beyond just the grant period. By demonstrating sustainability, you not only boost your chances of securing funding but also earn the trust and respect of funders. On the other hand, if your grant application takes the tone that you depend on the grant to keep your doors open, this will, unfortunately, send a "red flag" to the funder.

Practical ways to highlight and strengthen sustainability in your grant application is by highlighting:

  1. Additional ways you have increased or generated revenue streams besides grants
  2. Wins and positive outcomes of other fundraising efforts (events, campaigns, partnerships)
  3. Plans of how your project, program, or business will deliver continued value and impact
  4. Specific partners and collaborators you will team up with to expand your reach
  5. Your business's ability to adapt and overcome unforeseen challenges

By focusing on sustainability, you're not just asking for funding—you're painting a picture of a thriving, impactful business that's here to stay. Keep shining bright, and remember, your vision has the power to change the world!



-Apply to our internal VISIONful Entrepreneur Project (VEP) grant opportunity of $1,000- $5,000. As a reminder, this opportunity is made available to you as a Grants Core member. The deadline is rolling, but to be considered for the next grant awards timeline, be sure to have your application submitted by 5/31/24, as the next grant winners will be announced in June! The application and link can be accessed in your grant portal or by clicking HERE!

-Also, please be sure you remain opted in to receive emails from me so you don't miss any important/timely updates.

-Reply to this email with the most pressing grant-related question you have so that it can be included in your next coaching video. To have your question answered, please submit your question(s) by replying to this email or emailing me at [email protected] by Monday, 4/22/24.

-Live Training Session Reminder: Pro-All Access members, please mark your calendar for our next live grant webinar. The Zoom link was emailed today. I will be available (live) to answer all of your grants-related questions.

Note: if you are a standard member, you will gain access to the recording of this video. You can access this live session and previously recorded sessions by upgrading in your portal or visiting HERE.


New Grants

Check out the new business grant opportunities that were recently added to your GRANT LISTING.

  1. VISIONful Entrepreneurs Project Grant (members only): $1,000-$5,000; Deadline is rolling (next one is 5/31/24)
  2. NAACP and Bacardi Black businesses with Liquor license aspirations: $10,000; Deadline is 5/24/24
  3. BeMobile Grant: $5,000; Deadline is 4/30/24
  4. National Black Business Pitch: $10,000; Deadline is 6/3/24

Log in to your portal to see all the updates!


Reply to this email if you have questions or need any additional support!


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